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I am not an attorney licensed to practice law in Indiana. I am not allowed to draft legal records, give advice on legal matters, including immigration, or charge a fee for those activities.
“An acknowledgment is typically performed on documents controlling or conveying ownership of valuable assets. Such documents include real property deeds, powers of attorney and trusts. For an acknowledgment, the signer must appear in person at the time of notarization to be positively identified and to declare ("acknowledge") that the signature on the document is his or her own, that it was willingly made and that the provisions in the document are intended to take effect exactly as written.” -
jurats: oaths and affirmations
“A jurat is typically performed on evidentiary documents that are critical to the operation of our civil and criminal justice system. Such documents include affidavits, depositions and interrogatories. For a jurat, the signer must appear in person at the time of notarization to sign the document and to speak aloud an oath or affirmation promising that the statements in the document are true. (An oath is a solemn pledge to a Supreme Being; an affirmation is an equally solemn pledge on one's personal honor.) A person who takes an oath or affirmation in connection with an official proceeding may be prosecuted for perjury should he or she fail to be truthful.” -
certified copies
“A copy certification is performed to confirm that a reproduction of an original document is true, exact and complete. Such originals might include college degrees, passports and other important one-and-only personal papers which cannot be copy-certified by a public record office such as a bureau of vital statistics and which the holder must submit for some purpose but does not want to part with for fear of loss.” -
Copies cannot be made of vital or public records such as mortgages, marriages, deaths, and births.
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