kind notary public services

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3 people around a table discussing a document that one of them is signing.


“An acknowledgment is typically performed on documents controlling or conveying ownership of valuable assets. Such documents include real property deeds, powers of attorney and trusts.” -

A person with their hand on a holy book and their other hand raised, swearing in to the court.


“A jurat is typically performed on evidentiary documents that are critical to the operation of our civil and criminal justice system. Such documents include affidavits, depositions and interrogatories.” -

A person at a photocopier working with paper.


“A copy certification is performed to confirm that a reproduction of an original document is true, exact and complete. Such originals might include college degrees, passports and other […] personal papers…” -

A picture of someone stamping an official document with a seal.

oaths & affirmations

“An oath is a solemn pledge to a Supreme Being; an affirmation is an equally solemn pledge on one's personal honor.”

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